

by Gary Jacobson

Sitting high in the branches of a tree
Facing the teeth of the storm coming I see
In deepest meditation,
Sublime contemplation,
Swaying with the first wind’s sighs
Luminescent glows hypnotize.

Reveling in the power of deep throated thunder
Filling me with majestic wonder.
I’m so all alone,
Listening to existence moan.

The solemn spirit fills me.
Quiet excitement thrills me,
My breath capturing,
Mid lightning flashing.

Then tossing reverie asunder
Comes all encompassing rolls of thunder
In that moment I feel serene peace,
Mundane troubles inhabiting my mind cease.

Forces of nature thrill me,
Filled with divine powers that be
In the supreme storms energy
Cascading over my soul,
As one with divine wonders of nature’s whole.

At no time do I feel closer to God,
Envision clearly The Master’s Iron Rod,
Solemn purpose revealed to me
In crescendos of dignity
Than when in a tree,
A ravaging storm surrounding me,
Pounding at me,
Gently pulling me...

I’m touched by the storm undulating,
wind and waves my soul quickening,
with a knowledge of my vast insignificance,
In a celestial trance
Prickling mind and body with electric flow,
As winds with frenetic majesty blow.

I love a storm’s smell
Caught up in the ominous knell
Of luminous sounding bell
Smelling stormy fragrance of the ages
At one with spiritual sages.

I love a storm in stately grandeur
Bearing magnificence severe
Rolling in,
Mid a ferocious din.

In supreme authority
Manifesting awesome sovereignty
By puny man unchecked,
Its dominant significance trumpeted,
In turbulation roiled,
Rocking my world again,
And yet again...

~Weather Watching Okie style ~

by Gary Jacobson

When I was a young Oklahoma lad
Weather watching was a participation fad
An interaction sport
Where in rain filled gutters we’d cavort.

Neighbors would line the curb.
Heck, a little rain couldn’t this fun disturb
Gettin’ soaked to the skin
Would only be a sign for the fun to begin.

Each thunderbolt the sky shaking,
Like a bomb crackling
Like a shooting rocket
Right down your hip pocket.

A rainy Oklahoma day
Was time for Sooners to play
Time to stop whatever you were doing
And go to your window watching
The thunderheads roll in,
Stormy weather no respecter of men.

Still, weather watching was a game
For young and old the same
Soaked to your skin and shivering
At thunderbursts jumping
Searching gray, bubbling masses
Inspecting with high powered glasses
Looking for tornado funnels
These weather watching, neighborhood sentinels.

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